Some of the titles we played with its placement, of where it looked better. Other ones we changed the perspective and made it look like it was lying on the sidewalk or up against the wall. On one of the titles, we made it come in in three different parts as the camera pans, which is pretty cool. Of course, for the parts where the text needed to be white, we changed it to white. Otherwise, the only neat thing we did to edit the titles is when the title of our film comes up, “Eden.” We made it big, to stand out. We played around with its fading in and out. Eventually, we added a glow to the back of it so it stands out even more. And, we changed our agreed upon storyboard just a tad by putting the actors names before the title. This is so the “Eden” can appear right when the neighbor disappears across the street.
The other thing we got done after fine-tuning the titles was the main background music! We went through a lot of songs. The many people we have contacted haven’t replied yet, so we used one that was already on the computer, just to have something there. It’s called “What is Real” by Mike Gordon. We timed it coming in according to the screen when I turn up the music, which is something we planned for. We also had it sharply fade out when I take off my headphones. We timed it just right so when “Eden” shows up and the neighbor disappears the song says “What is real?” The song was a great help to fill in that blank void where we wanted sound, and the video works great with it.
We also added in a track of white noise which slowly builds up until the part where I pass out. We tried playing around with white noise some, but we thought it would take too much time to do at the moment, so we set it aside for a future edit. At the end when our characters end up in the forest, we also added some royalty-free music. Over all, the titles and music made it go smoothly, now all we had to do was fine-tune it and add in sound effects!
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