Thursday, April 2, 2020

Music Confirmation!

We were able to get confirmation on the usage of the song “What” is real? and we are very happy and very relieved! We weren’t sure if we were going to get a reply from the artist we had contacted - Mike Gordon. We had many songs in mind and had sent a few emails out to people, and the song “What” is Real was merely a placeholder at the beginning. It was hard watching the video without music, as nothing really flowed and it was a tad awkward. So I went through what songs were on the computer and added it. I didn’t do much in the beginning to edit the cuts of the video to the song, because I wasn’t sure if we were going to use it. Now, though, we have made things match the song, like when the singing is and when the titles fade in and out.

In the end, the songs lyrics are great for our purposes, and we got kind of attached to it. We had hope that someone would reply, and when Mike did we were relieved. Nobody else had or has. My favorite edit we did to correlate with the song is when the title “Eden” shows up and the song says “What is real?” It feels like a perfect way to set the stage for our movie, alas, we are only making the first two minutes. The song definitely helps hide the strange things happening in the background, and show a sense of normality before it’s all ripped away.

Here is a picture of the conversation we had. Unfortunately I couldn’t get the whole thing on screen for a picture. I started off with telling him my purpose for emailing and the details of our project that he probably would like to know. Then I asked him, as seen in the picture, and he replied saying he was on board and would ask the other writer of the song. He eventually gave his confirmation and then I thanked him. We talked some more like what his band was called and if he would like to see the finished product. Anyway, here in the confirmation that we could use his song in our project:

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